Urgent Call to Save Eritrean refugees Lives The situation of Eritrean Refugees in Adi Harish and Mai Ayni Eritrean refugees including children, pregnant women, and individuals with preexisting conditions are dying in Adi Harish and Mai Ayni refugee camps in Tigray due to hunger and lack of clean water. This is an account we just received from several refugees who recently escaped and travelled on foot from the camps and currently sheltering in Debat, a camp located in the Amhara region. Running out of options and as last resort, Eritrean refugees are disassembling their living shelters in the camps and selling their zinc roofing sheets to survive and stay alive. In the past months they stayed afloat selling personal belongings to include mobile phones, cloths, and other items. Several refugees are also dying from hunger and thirsty in this treacherous journey on the boarder to make it to safer place. The survivors, latest arrival of refugees from Adi Harish and Mai Ayni camp warn unless international community take immediate action the lives of 25,000 Eritrean refuges are in grave danger and many will die. Similarly, a devoted missionary brother from Oromo, who recently arrived from Tigray and had been assisting Eritrean refugees for years said it is hard to help the Eritrean refugees in Mai Ayni and Adi Harish. He adds refugees are prohibited to move to and from Tigray cities and moreover, beyond Shira Enda Selase city, it is impossible for anyone to visit the camps and help them “for refugees to make it out alive immediate intervention is needed.” He added. Caught in the crossfire, hungry, ill, and soon without shelter, catastrophic situation of Eritrean refugees requires urgent call for action from all Eritreans and concerned human rights groups to distribute this update information in any form and language and stand as a good Samaritan to shade light and bring world attention to their plight. Proverbs 31:8-9 Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.